Facilitating Adjustment of Cognition & Emotion®
Centre Face



The F.A.C.E. Centrum is located at 182 avenue des Hospices, 1180 Uccle (Brussels). Dr Celestin, psychiatrist, and the psycho-medical team receive adults, youth and families and propose assessments, therapy and guidance related to stress at work (burn-out, burn-in, bore-out), parental burn-out, AD/HD, depression, anxiety and traumatic experiences, along with any personal, family or work-related stress. Contact: 02 375 05 00 or info @ centreface.org

F.A.C.E. Centrum, Dr Celestin, psychiatre, uccle @ Google maps


BY CAR: Chaussée de Waterloo - Avenue du Prince d’Orange - Avenue Dolez - Avenue des Hospices. Free parking onsite and nearby.

BY BUS: 43 Observatoire / Kauwberg (stop « Cabris » nearby)

BY TRAIN: Linkebeek station at walking distance

our address

CENTRE F.A.C.E., Avenue des Hospices 182, 1180 Uccle (Bruxelles)

Tel : 02 375 05 00

E-mail: info @ centreface.org